

Euro Bread - Pizza & Scone

Euro Bread - Pizza & Scone
2009年7月12日下午2:44公開累積瀏覽 44 5

Pizza with sausage, ham, onion, bell pepper, pineapple & mushroom


兩個包都好好味.   老師很用心地教我們怎樣搓包團. 
Dough:    Hold 1/3 of the dough, swing out and throw on the table with strength, then fold up immediately on the top without the hand leaving the dough.   Insert fingers to the bottom of east side of dough, pick up 1/3 of it,  swing/throw it to the table, & fold up again.  Do this for about 12 minutes, or until the dough is smooth.
After second proving, divide the dough into 2 equal portions, and shape them  into round balls.   Method A: By using both hands (each with one dough).   With  fingers and palm to form a cover cover the dough,  move the hands in circular form around the table with the dough inside. Method B:  With one hand,   push up the dough in 45 degree,  until the surface is smooth.   Make sure to keep the surface of the dough on the top, as it has a smooth look that the bottom of the dough, hence when shaping the bread, it will look better.
1st proving:  1-1/2 to 2 times
2nd proving:  1 time
Final prove:  After putting the sauce & topping on, set aside and have a further proving of 15 minutes before baking.
Fresh yeast = 2 times of the dry yeast.   Fresh yeast should be kept in fridge and would be good for a month.
Do not spread tomato paste all the way to the edge of the pizza, stay away from edge for about 1/2",  as the tomato paste without topping would get burned easily during baking.
老師教搓麵團 & 他做的Pizza


好香牛油和奶味, 很鬆. 很好吃.   加上 fresh cream and jam, 是我afternoon tea 的首選. 
Dough:  We don't have to knead this for a long time, like the pizza.   Make a well at the centre of the flour, add sugar & milk in.  Melt the sugar in the milk first,  then add  butter, as this is a better way to get a nice and smooth dough.   Knead the dough by using palm to push out, as the dough is quite soft.  When it is smooth, form a ball, wrap it up in a plastic bag, and put in fridge for at least an hour before using.  Dough can be left in fridge over night or nights - best less than a week.  Don't over knead the dough.



